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Alexander Spears

Full name : Alexander Gerrard Clovis Spears
Nickname(s) : Alex
Alias : The Twisted Lord
Status : Royalty (in France), noble (in England)
Gender : male
Age : 17-40 years (Deceased)
Date of birth : 25 july
Zodiac sign : Leo
Height : 1.82
Weight : 60 kg
Physical traits : short brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin, athletic body
Overall personality : impulsive, stubborn and cruel
Flaws : careless, conceited
Fears : losing his money, being poor, dishonor
Likes : making a hell out of Felix's life, being surrounded by good company and beautiful women, money, luxury, clothes, grape juice
Dislikes : Felix, servants generally, tasteless food
Hobby : finances, mathematics, equitation
Habits : spitting on his servants, fixing his hair
Origins : part french (mother), part english (father)
Place of birth : Paris, France, House of Valois
Occupation : Lord
Residence : Spears Manor, London
Family : Dionne Clothilde Isabelle Jolivette de Valois (mother)
Axel Julian Spears (father)
Ophelia Natalie Gabrielle Rose Spears (twin sister)
Charlotte Margery Anne I Devonshire De La Pole (wife)
Margery II Mary Jane Spears (daughter)
Tobias Theodore John Spears (son)
Samuel Rolland Donovan (son)
Arthur III Gregory Devonshire De La Pole (nephew)
Charles Phillip Devonshire De La Pole (nephew)
Noella Blanche Marie de Valois (aunt)
Lucille Clothilde Jeanne de Valois (aunt)
Louis Phillippe Jean de Valois (uncle)
William Carl Spears (cousin)
Sarah Anne Spears (cousin)
Emily Spears (aunt)
Friends : Boris Kozlov, Jane Haddonfield
Love interests : Charlotte Margery Anne I Devonshire De La Pole (wife)
Lady Priscilla

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