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●Name : Asanori
●Biographical information
Age : 200-203 (chronologically)
16-19 (appearance)
Status : alive
●Physical information
Species : Yokai (kitsune)
Gender : female
Height : 165 cm
Weight : 47 kg
Eye color : Light green
Hair color : Auburn
Skin color : fair
●Family : Fujioka (mother)
Asappo (father)
Asamaru (brother)
Shippo (cousin)
●Skills information :
Abilities : Shape-shifting
Enhanced biting
Fox magic
Hand-to-hand combatant
Immense speed
Superhuman endurance
Superhuman strength
Superhuman stamina
Superhuman agility and reflexes
Extended longevity
Accelerated healing factor
Regenerative capabilities
Superhuman olfaction
Superhuman hearing
Enhanced eyesight
●Weapons : Tekko-Kagi (Claws of death)
Kusarigama (Scythe)
Sharp teeth
Best friends : Asamaru, Renma, Kodama
Friends/acquaintances : Jakotsu, Kagome, Sango
Romantic interest : Bankotsu (former), Sesshomaru
Rivals : Kagura, Naraku, Kikyo
-The sign on Asanori's neck is a curse from Naraku
-She cares about Shippo a lot and always protects him

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