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Ophelia Spears

Full name : Ophelia Natalie Gabrielle Rose Spears
Nickname(s) : Pheli
Alias : Black Widow
Status : Royalty (in France), noble (in England)
Gender : female
Age : 17-40 years (in the story / Alive)
Date of birth : 25 july
Zodiac sign : Leo
Height : 1.60
Weight : 49 kg
Physical traits : long brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin, slim body
Overall personality : impulsive and malicious but helpful and communicative
Flaws : impatient, nosy, vicious
Fears : death of her spiders, theft of her beloved paintings
Likes : spiders, cats, painting, dancing, being spoiled
Dislikes : not having authority on someone or something, exclusion, ugly paintings, waste of paint
Hobby : painting
Habits : always saying "mon Dieu", "sacrebleu", leaving a lot of mess for her servants to clean
Origins : part french (mother), part english (father)
Place of birth : Paris, France, House of Valois
Occupation : Lady of Valois
Residence : Spears Manor, London
Family : Dionne Clothilde Isabelle Jolivette de Valois (mother)
Axel Julian Spears (father)
Alexander Gerrard Clovis Spears (twin brother)
Arthur II Charles Devonshire De La Pole (future husband)
Arthur III Gregory Devonshire De La Pole (son)
Charles Phillip Devonshire De La Pole (son)
Noella Blanche Marie de Valois (aunt)
Lucille Clothilde Jeanne de Valois (aunt)
Louis Phillippe Jean de Valois (uncle)
William Carl Spears (cousin)
Sarah Anne Spears (cousin)
Friends : Charlotte Devonshire De La Pole, Boris Hirsch, Jane Haddonfield
Love interests : Mathias Walter Griffin (former)
Arthur II Devonshire De La Pole (future husband)

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Comentarii album • 1
TheGummyBear 22 May 2017  
pheli e fericita
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